GCC/GIC Consulting

India continues to become a popular destination for GCC (Global Capability Centre).

Fast growing business like GCC must be very proactive and strategic in their approach in talent Management. Below are few talent imperatives which can help in building a strong foundation for sustainable growth, innovation and competitiveness.

Clear Talent Strategy: Develop a comprehensive talent acquisition strategy that aligns with your business goals and growth projections while investing in Employer Branding with unique Employee Value Proposition

Agile Hiring Process: Streamlining the hiring processes to quickly identify and on board top talent. Time-to-hire is crucial in fast-growing businesses, as delays can hinder growth.

Continue to invest in Upskilling: Invest in continuous learning and development programs to upskill existing employees and create a culture of learning and innovation to retain.erm leaves or seasonal service demands.

Diversity & Inclusion: Promote diversity and inclusion in your workforce not limiting to Gender alone. Hiring Diverse Talent teams bring fresh perspectives and creativity, which can be a competitive advantage.

Expectations Vs. Reality: Onboarding highly skilled resources and offering them to work on legacy skills might lead to early attrition. Rather hire the resources with skills that are required to perform the job & provide opportunities to learn and grow internally, which will help in retention and longevity of the resource.

Adaptive Working Models: Embrace remote work and flexible work arrangements to tap into talent from various geographic regions within India.

Customized Compensation Packages: Offer compensation and benefits packages that are competitive in the Indian market by considering local cost-of-living differences and industry standards.

Continuous feedback and Involvement: Establish channels for open communication and feedback between employees in India and the global leadership team. Act on feedback to improve employee satisfaction and retention.

Global Mobility Programs: Implement global mobility programs that allow Indian employees to gain international exposure and experience by working in other locations within the GCC's network.

Setting up a Global Captive Centre (GCC) is a strategic call for a large corporates. In the last couple of decades, GCC contributed significantly to long term capability, sustainability and competency to the companies. India became a preferred choice for large Fortune 500 companies to set up their offices.

The trend is continuing further and the next set of functions and companies are joining the band wagon to reap the real benefit of GCC. The real benefit is far more than mere cost arbitrage. Ready access to rich talent, quick turnaround time, divergent culture and many more are the benefits that are achieved over a period of time through these set ups.